Hey guys! It’s Nancy, a recent college grad and new addition to the Smart Sips Coffee family, and I know first-hand how a care package can be a life-saver for any student heading off to college.
There are few better feelings for a college student than getting a notification from the mail room that there is a package waiting for you - opening it and finding a thoughtful assortment of items picked out just for you.
Back-to-school season can be one of the most stressful times of the year for parents and students. For college kids, it’s adjusting to life away from home, meeting new people, making sure you have all of the school/ life essentials and experiencing a whole new way of life.
For parents, it’s a balancing act of letting your child navigate ‘outside of the nest’ and making sure they are equipped with everything they need out there in the ‘real world’.
A great way to ease the stress of the move is to send your student a personalized college care package and I’m here to share a few care package ideas that are easy, useful and fun:
Single Serve Food Packages
One of the biggest obstacles in college life is food. Whether it's finding the time to run to the dining hall between classes or trying to avoid eating through your bank account, the struggle is real.
Coffee Pods
Once entering college, students are likely to experience an extreme upsurge in their coffee consumption. The list of assignments to complete seems never-ending and it feels like there are never enough hours in the day to balance your student and social lives.
So what do you do to fuel your over-worked, over-partied, sleep-deprived self? Coffee. And lots of it.
No need to suffer through lousy dining hall coffee, wait in long lines at the campus shop which end up causing you to be late to class, or spending a small fortune on your daily cup of coffee...
Send a single serve Keurig coffee brewer and pair with a box of Smart Sips flavored gourmet coffees. Smart Sips Coffees are coffee-shop-style coffees/cappuccinos/lattes that can be enjoyed from the convenience of your dorm room. Flavors including our Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Raspberry will give you the flavor and energy boost you need to get you through exams.
Board and Card Games
Although your student has reached the milestone of college, it is important to remember that they are in fact still kids. Board games and card games are an inexpensive yet fun addition to your college care package that will serve as a great stress reliever and memory creator.
As a former college student, I can personally say that some of my fondest memories in college were created in a dorm room filled with my closest friends, snacks, and an old-fashioned card/ board game.
Your college kid may act like they are ‘too cool for mom’, but college is the time where every child realizes the value of their family and friends and recognizes how much you've actually done for them (mostly by seeing how much they have to do for themselves).
Because of this, a simple yet meaningful addition to your college care package are pictures of family and friends. They serve as a great decoration for your student’s dorm room while reminding them that they are never alone.
Back-to-school season is among us and I hope these college care package ideas serve as a helpful resource to ease your student into their new life away from home.